21-22 May 2024 Aix en Provence (France)

Theme of the workshop

Numerous studies have revealed oscillatory components at different temporal scales in both neurophysiological signals and signals representing characteristics of speech utterances (e.g., spectral flow, acoustic energy, f0). We aim to address a few primary questions:

1) How are the oscillatory components of neurophysiological signals linked to oscillatory patterns observed in behavior?

2) How are behavioral and neural oscillatory patterns associated with the linguistic content of utterances across distinct levels of description?

3) What are the implications of different ways of extracting and characterizing oscillations of interests?

Organizing committee

S. A. Kotz (Maastricht University & IMERA Aix-Marseille University)

L. Lancia (Aix-Marseille University & CNRS)

B. Morillon (Aix-Marseille University & Inserm)

D. Schön (Aix-Marseille University & Inserm)

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